Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finally.....The Easter blog..

Easter is probably my favorite holiday and for me, Easter here in Germany was quite special. Rolf and I took a couple days off from work/school to take a long weekend and headed up north to visit the parents. Rolf had last seen his parents over one year ago and I had never (obviously) met his parents. So, yeah, it was the first time. It's always a little bit nervewrecking when one gets introduced to the parents, but I feel there was slightly a bit more pressure in this circumstance given the fact that Rolf's parents are German and speak Deutsch.

It was really my duty to learn what I could so that I could be able to communicate with them. I could see the relief in Rolf's mom's face when I opened my mouth to mutter the little that I learned in the two months. Since I have been here in Germany, I haven't been able to practice my speaking and listening much. Sure, I go to the store and bakery; but I relay only words and I hardly ever get the chance to exercise conversation. The weekend was the real intensive course. I was concentrating on grammar and the proper cases (which makes the German language incredibly difficult) and I was understood! That's the most important part!

Besides the language immersion, I love Rolf's parents. They were so welcoming and open which really made me feel comfortable and at home. We had all sorts of activites that we did together. Lots of cooking and eating.....

It was so interesting for me to see the home that Rolf grew up in and see the streets that he walked as a kiddo. I was able to meet his former heavy metal band members from back in the day. They still have the long rocker hair, dress in all black....I was trying to imagine Rolf dressing the same way......We got to know one another through discussing politics and culture. Ya know, just typical heavy metal talk. It felt as though they were brothers to me. I had already learned so much about them through Rolf and it was so wonderful to have finally met them now. They still have their own band and even now they play some of the songs that Rolf wrote back when he was 17 years old!

One night we went up to the attic to pull out the ol' photo albums and humiliate Rolf looking a pictures of him as a toddler. Rolf's dad even dragged out the home videos......I haven't laughed that hard in awhile...The selected video was an old, grainy, first-ever-video-camera clip of Rolf having his diaper changed....He was fussing and crying......And then, his mother had the curteousy to give the audience something to talk about and then showed the dirty, loaded diaper to the camera.....I was crying I was laughing so hard. I was teasing Rolf that I was so thrilled to come all the way out to Germany to see his poopy diaper. Classic.
Rolf lived along the coast and the weather allowed us to enjoy the sun, walking along the Suedstrand eating bratwurst and pretzels. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to visit the "Ship in a bottle" museum.....Why?........

Monday, April 6, 2009

Summer is here! (It's not...only spring....but, that is what Rolf has been saying ever since the sun finally decided to shine!) I was able to put away my heavy winter coat and my snow boots....I can wear heels again! I was becoming depressed having to always dress in so many layers as I trekked to and from the subway. Now that the sun is out I can wear colors again and all the clothes that I DIDN'T BRING WITH ME WHEN I MOVED.

I was so concerned about freezing my rear off that I failed to realize that eventually warm weather would come and I wouldn't have to fear that any longer. So, it's warm and I have 3 days worth of clothes for this kind of weather. I have had to ask my mom to mail me a lil bit of my wardrobe.....

I would just go shopping....Who wouldn't want to have a very good reason to purchase a new wardrobe? Well, I do have that reason, but not necessarily the funds. Ah, life.

So, I've been searching for jobs. I've had a couple of interviews, a couple of rejects. During my last interview, I met a girl from the States (which part?), California (me too!), in Orangevale (No way....). I would have liked to become friends, but she was also interviewing for the same position and at the same time as me. Yup. Group interview. It was the most challenging interview I have had so far......I realize that there are many more to come...but, it started out entirely in German and they put me on the spot to see how much German I could speak. I choked and I have no idea what actually came out of my mouth, but I know that it was not really a language. Oh well. Experience right?

The weather has been changing how I feel and how the city feels too I think. People are eating outside the cafe's, drinking more beer, and giving themselves reason to wear the traditional Dirndls. I got one myself! Rolf and I were in the store browsing the options and he was laughing because I was lecturing him about what was traditionally German and what was not. This is all in preparation to become a professional beer drinker. When in Rome......

We walked through the park on Sunday afternoon with some friends where I was able to get more of a feel for German culture. Good weather makes for good Germans.
Maybe good weather also makes for good German speaking abilities. I'm still studying, five days per week and three hours per day. I can read and write much better than I am able to listen and speak which is frustrating. I have been pressuring myself about where I think I need to be in terms of proficiency, but Rolf continues to remind me that it's only been two months and going on three. I feel edgy.

That feeling fades by the weekend when Rolf and I go salsa dancing. We have found places to tear up dance floors, but we have not been able to find a decent place for climbing. My arms are getting weak! So our new ambition for a hobby is rollerblading. I remember the last time I was on skates. I fell. In front of my university. At 5pm on a Thursday. On my butt. One lady's reaction: At least you fell gracefully. Sweet. Rolf says that I will need knee pads, wrist guards, elbow pads, a helmet, insurance, and a mouth guard. Sooo Munich.Overall, things are looking up and smoothing out. We have completely moved into our place. The boxes are unpacked, Rolf has his poster map of America taped on the wall, and I put a bowl of oranges on the table. We have a huge balcony that overlooks a little stream, the hills, AND the Paulaner brewery. Our neighborhood smells like hops. How many people can say that????