Saturday, December 27, 2008

Departure: January 6th 2009

We have begun packing and donating and everything else that must be done for a move across the Atlantic. Our plane takes off at 6am on Tuesday morning from SMF airport and we will arrive in Germany on the 7th around lunch time. First we will be living in Erlangen which is about an hour away from Munich which is where Rolf's apartment is. Sometime in January we will be moving to an apartment in Munich furnsihed by my employer. I will be working for a German family as an au pair starting in February. Rolf will also be working in Munich with Siemens and traveling to Italy for his third and last assignment. We will already be expecting one visitor within our first month. His sister, Sandra, will come and stay with us for a week. She will be coming from Switzerland where she lives and works. The month will keep us very busy with moving, starting new jobs, visa arrangements, learning a language, and Rolf will be getting back in contact with many of his friends. I imagine a very structured chaos and a whirlwind of excitement!

1 comment:

  1. 2009 will certainly be another memorable year for the both of you! Your excitement is wistfully shared! I love you. (The Mom)
